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Marvic API Documentation


MARVIC (Marketing Audio Regulatory Violation Inspection Checker) is an API designed to analyze marketing phone calls for compliance with regulatory standards. It evaluates audio recordings against predefined validation rules to identify potential regulatory violations. These rules are organized into two categories: Red Flag and Blue Flag, each indicating different levels of concern or areas of focus. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the scoring system for MARVIC, and how to comprehend results.



This endpoint allows users to submit audio files for analysis. The analysis checks the transcription of the audio against a set of predefined rules categorized into Red Flags (indicating potential compliance issues) and Blue Flags (suggesting areas for improvement or adherence to best practices).


Format: Audio files in .mp3 or .mp4 format.

Request File: recording_file - The audio file to be analyzed.

Request ID: recording_id - The string ID passed along with request.


Requests to the MARVIC API require an API token for authentication. Include your token in the request header as a Bearer token.

Request Example

Replace with your actual MARVIC API token.

Response Example

The response is a JSON object containing the following fields:

Certainty Levels:

Very High



Not sure





Validation Rules

Red Flag Category

Indicates potential regulatory violations or areas of significant concern.

Required Any phrasing that alludes that the patient is required to take the test. "required", "mandatory", "compulsory" No Cost Any phrasing that alludes that the patient has zero responsibility towards the payment for the test. "Free", "no cost" No Benefit of Insurance Any phrasing that alludes that the test is a benefit of insurance or part of their plan. "perk", "benefit under your insurance", No Affiliation Any phrasing that alludes that the subcontractor works for insurance companies, doctors, or telemed. Any phrases that allude to the subcontractor playing a different role or a bigger role other than strictly marketing "works for Medicare", "with Medicare", "Doctor's receptionist", "on behalf of Medicare" The patient states they do not make their medical decisions If the rep asks the patient if they make their own medical decisions and the patient answers no, or if the patient independently states that they do not make their own medical decisions or has a medical POA "power of attorney", "not make own medical decisions" The patient states they have already taken the test If the rep asks the patient if they have taken the genetic test and the patient answers yes, or if the patient independently states that they have already taken the test previously. "already done", Confusion Any phrasing alluding that the patient does not know what the purpose of the call is "What is this about?" "What is this for?" Incentive Any phrasing alluding that the patient was offered an incentive or incentive for taking the genetic test "receive money", "free Medicare card". "get Medicare card" Personal opinion Any phrasing alluding that the agent is not sure or providing personal opinion/conclusion "I think", "I assume"

Blue Flag Category

Suggests adherence to best practices or areas for procedural improvement.

Recording Disclosure Mention that the call is being recorded, as required by some state laws. Decision Making Inquiry Asking if the patient makes their own medical decisions. Test History Inquiry Questioning whether the patient has taken the test before. Personal Medical History Discussing the patient's personal medical history. Family Medical History Inquiring about the patient's family medical history. Billing Explanation Explaining the billing process in detail.


To use MARVIC, prepare your audio file and make a POST request to the provided endpoint with your API token and the recording_file parameter. Analyze the response to understand the compliance status of your marketing call and take appropriate actions based on the identified red and blue flags.

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