

Keep track of changes to the Marvic API. This changelog is maintained in a best effort fashion and may not reflect all changes being made.

May 20th, 2024

Refining base system to help with ambiguity. Improvements to unique situational scenarios.

May 10th, 2024

Testing new Improvements for model tuning & functionality per rule.

April 25th, 2024

Finizaled new JSON format for API with all changes & improvements.

Score & Keywords are now found per rule.

April 14th, 2024

Started testing model behavior with refined descriptions.

April 8th, 2024

Received 5 sample test recordings per each rule.

March 28th, 2024

Received refined flag category descriptions.

March 24th, 2024

Added support scoring.

March 12th, 2024

Initial rule testing, gave PTK API access to alpha version.

Support for audio from MP3, MP4 formats.

Keyword detection.

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